Why is a Service contract needed?

Due to the current travel and entry regulations it is currently not possible to enter Germany. It also remains to be seen when the embassies will be able to process visa applications again. Until then, it's unfortunately not possible to start working for Jimdo in Hamburg with a standard contract.

We still want you to be a part of our team, so we'd like to start with a Service contract (it is close to a freelance contract) working remotely from your location.

The contract will be limited in time.

There are two reasons for this: First, we don't know how long it will be before it is permitted to enter Germany again. That's why we have limited the contract with the hope that you will receive your normal employment contract including a visa immediately after the borders are open again.

On the other hand, we want to deal with the time limit and the project-related activity, in order to avoid that this service contract has the risk of being seen as false-self-employment.

A freelancer activity for only one client is only allowed for a short period of time and based on a certain project. You can find more information here:

What does an invoice look like?

We have prepared a sample invoice for you. If you use your own invoice template, please make sure that it meets the necessary criteria.

What happens once I'm allowed to enter Germany?

As soon as it is allowed again for foreign employees to enter Germany and you have received your visa, we will terminate the Service contract by mutual agreement. After that, we will sign all necessary documents and follow required steps, so that you can come to Hamburg as an employee of Jimdo as soon as possible.

How do I handle taxation?

The tax shown on your monthly bill must be paid to the relevant tax office at your place of residence. I don't know how to proceed in your situation, I or my colleagues will come back to you with it soon.

How do I get paid?

As a freelancer we need a monthly invoice from you, which we will pay by the end of the month at the latest.

What does my onboarding look like?

Your onboarding also plays an important role for us. In your case first more by video calls and phone calls. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't "meet" other colleagues virtually and feel comfortable with us from day one. As soon as you start with us, we will share with you in detail your first steps in our onboarding.

If I get a Service contract, what kind of actions are required from my side in terms of declaring my income for taxation and other obligatory payments?

You have to report to your local tax office in advance and register as a freelancer, if applicable. It also might be necessary that you inform your health insurance company that you are working as a freelancer for a short period of time. Unfortunately, we cannot provide detailed information on this, as there are different regulations for each country.